A collection of galleries of solar and lunar eclipses -- i.e. eclipses of the Sun and Moon, both total and partial.
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164 imagesA gallery of images (both wide-angle and close-ups) of partial and total eclipses of the Sun, and eclipse observers. These were taken at various solar eclipses around the world from 1979 to the present.
111 imagesA gallery of images (both wide-angle and close-ups) of partial and total eclipses of the Moon and eclipse observers.
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31 imagesImages of the Nov 3, 2013 total solar eclipse as seen from the mid-Atlantic Ocean on the spv Star Flyer clipper sailing ship on a cruise from Spain to Barbados. Includes sunsets before and after eclipse day and the rainbows see on eclipse morning.
19 imagesThese are images from the November 14, 2012 total eclipse of the Sun, which I saw from a site near Lakeland Downs, on the Mulligan Highway between Mossman and Cooktown in Far North Queensland, Australia.