A collection of Galleries of images of landscapes and Earth scenes but taken at twilight or at night, with stars in the sky, either in short exposures or with long-exposure star trails. Included are image of observers at the telescope and amateur star parties.
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1074 imagesA gallery of nighttime landscapes scenes, with short exposures to prevent the stars from trailing, and often illuminated with moonlight. These are presented in chronological order, with the newest images first or at top.
174 imagesA gallery of long-exposure images showing the stars trailing during the night due to Earth's rotation, usually with a nighttime or moonlit landscape below. These are presented in rough chronological order, with newest images first or at top.
126 imagesA gallery of images of artificial Earth satellites (notably the International Space Station, Space Shuttle, and Iridium flares) usually photographed travelling over nighttime landscapes.
558 imagesA gallery of images of astronomers and the public at star parties, at telescopes, and under the night sky. And included -- shots of equipment such as typical types of telescopes and gear being used in the field. These are presented in rough chronological order, with newest images first or at top.
1068 imagesA gallery of images of aurora borealis, or the Northern Lights, often with foreground landscapes. This gallery is presented in chronological order, with the newest images first or at top.
368 imagesA collection of panoramas and planetarium "all-skies" of the night sky and landscapes, including: horizontal horizon panoramas (partial or 360°), Milky Way panoramas (full and partial), and 360° circular fish-eye images suitable for projection in a digital planetarium.