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Auroral Oval Across the North from Norway
Auroral Oval Across the North Panorama (Norway 2024).jpg
This is a panorama of a classic green auroral arc (with himts of red) across the northern sky defining the sweep of the auroral oval. I shot this in the early evening on November 9, 2024 at sea during a coastal cruise in Norway on the m/s Nordkapp, a ship in the Hurtigruten fleet of ferries and cruise ships. This is looking north from the bow viewing area of Deck 5 of the ship. We were between Trondheim and Bodo this night. A Kp5 level storm sparked bright aurora early in the evening. The seas were calm and smooth.
The Big Dipper and Ursa Major are at centre in the north. Vega is setting at far left.
This is a panorama of 7 segments, each a 1-second exposure (short to minimize trailing from ship motion) with the Nikkor 20mm lens wide open at f/1.8 and Nikon Z6III at ISO 3200. Stitched with PTGui with manual control points needed to assist in the alignment. Shooting a panorama from a moving ship is tricky and has to be done very quickly, ensuring each segment is as level as possible.
The Big Dipper and Ursa Major are at centre in the north. Vega is setting at far left.
This is a panorama of 7 segments, each a 1-second exposure (short to minimize trailing from ship motion) with the Nikkor 20mm lens wide open at f/1.8 and Nikon Z6III at ISO 3200. Stitched with PTGui with manual control points needed to assist in the alignment. Shooting a panorama from a moving ship is tricky and has to be done very quickly, ensuring each segment is as level as possible.