Image 61 of 258
Aurora Coronal Outburst from Norway #2
Aurora Corona at Zenith #2 (Norway 2024).jpg
A viewof an overhead coronal outburst of Northern Lights at the zenith. This is looking straight up from the deck of the m/s Nordkapp from at sea along the coast of Norway, on November 9, 2024.
Cassiopeia is at upper left; Vega is at right.
A 1.3-second exposure at f/1.8 with the Nikkor 20mm lens on the Nikon Z6III at ISO 3200.
Cassiopeia is at upper left; Vega is at right.
A 1.3-second exposure at f/1.8 with the Nikkor 20mm lens on the Nikon Z6III at ISO 3200.