Amazing Sky by Alan Dyer
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2016 Australia
{ 132 images }
Created 7 May 2016
A selection of images taken in Australia in March and April 2016.
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Acrux in Southern Cross (77mm 5DII).jpg
Alpha Centauri to Crux Mosaic (135mm...jpg
Anti-Crepuscular Rays at Woolgoolga.jpg
Anti-Crepuscular Rays Panorama.jpg
Apogee Full Moon Rising over the Pac...jpg
B87 Parrot Head Nebula (77mm 5DII).jpg
Becrux in Southern Cross (77mm 5DII).jpg
Bug Nebula, NGC 6302 (106mm 5DII).jpg
Canis Major Setting Over Moonlit Tre...jpg
Canopus, Alpha Carinae (106mm 6D).jpg
Carina Nebula & Chi Velorum (77m...jpg
Carina Nebula Panorama (77mm 5DII).jpg
Cat's Paw Nebula Area (77mm 5DI...jpg
Caught in a Lighthouse Beam.jpg
Centre of Galaxy Mosaic (135mm 5DII).jpg
Centre of Galaxy Rising Above Trees ...jpg
Centre of Galaxy Rising Above Trees ...jpg
Centre of Galaxy Rising over OzSky S...jpg
Centre of the Galaxy (77mm 5DII).jpg
Centre of the Galaxy Mosaic (35mm 5D...jpg
Circumpolar Stars Over Tibuc Cottage.jpg
Clouds over the Sea Panorama.jpg
Cloudy Ocean Sunrise with Crepuscula...jpg
Cloudy Sunrise at Woolgoolga Headlan...jpg
Coal Sack to Lambda Centauri Mosaic ...jpg
Crepuscular Rays over the Pacific.jpg
Crux and Carina Above Moonlit Trees.jpg
Crux and Carina Above Moonlit Trees ...jpg
Crux and Pointers in Moonlit Clouds.jpg
Crux and Pointers over the Pacific.jpg
Crux, Southern Cross, Mosaic (77mm 5...jpg
Dark Doodad & NGC 4372 (77mm 5DI...jpg
Dark Emu Rising (14mm 5DII).jpg
Dark Emu Rising (15mm 5DII).jpg
Dark Emu Rising over OzSky Star Part...jpg
Dark Horse & Pipe Nebula (135mm ...jpg
Fishing Boat at Sunrise.jpg
Full Moon with Glitter Path.jpg
Gacrux in Southern Cross (106mm 6D).jpg
Gibbous Moon over Gum Trees HDR.jpg
Gibbous Moon Over Upper Ebor Falls.jpg
Golden Glitter Path of the Moon.jpg
Hadar, Beta Centauri (106mm 6D).jpg
Heather at Woolgoolga Headlands.jpg
Lighthouse Beams Beside the Southern...jpg
Lighthouse Beams in Moonlight.jpg
Lighthouse Beams over the Starry Sea.jpg
LMC Mosaic (77mm 5DII).jpg
M6 and M7 in Scorpius (77mm 5DII).jpg
M8 and M20 in Sagittarius #2 (77mm 5...jpg
M8 and M20 in Sagittarius (77mm 5DII...jpg
Mars and Antares in Scorpius (135mm ...jpg
Meteor with Crux and Carina (35mm 6D...jpg
Milky Way at Moonrise from Nambucca ...jpg
Milky Way Overhead Through Trees (15...jpg
Milky Way over Smoky Cape.jpg
Milky Way over Smoky Cape Panorama.jpg
Milky Way over Tibuc Cottage Panoram...jpg
Milky Way over Tibuc Cottage Panoram...jpg
Milky Way over Tibuc Cottage Panoram...jpg
Moon in Clouds over Ebor Falls.jpg
Moonlight over Shelly Beach.jpg
Moonrise Below the Southern Cross.jpg
NGC 2736 Pencil Nebula (77mm 5DII).jpg
NGC 6231 to 6124 in Scorpius Tail (1...jpg
NGC 6231 to NGC 6124 Mosaic (77mm 5D...jpg
Observer at Dob with Jupiter & L...jpg
Observer at Dob with Jupiter & L...jpg
Observer at Dob with Jupiter & L...jpg
Observer at OzSky with Jupiter #1.jpg
Observer Looking at LMC (Landscape).jpg
Observer Looking at LMC (Portrait).jpg
Observer Looking at Orion from Austr...jpg
Observer Looking at Southern Milky W...jpg
Observer Looking at Southern Sky #2.jpg
Observer Looking at Southern Sky.jpg
Ocean Cloudscape at Sunrise.jpg
Orion Above Moonlit Trees v1.jpg
Orion Above Moonlit Trees v2.jpg
Orion and Canis Major Above Moonlit ...jpg
OzSky Looking East (Ultrastreaks).jpg
OzSky Looking North (Ultrastreaks).jpg
OzSky Looking South (Ultrastreaks).jpg
OzSky Looking West (Ultrastreaks).jpg
OzSky Panorama #1 (Rectangular).jpg
OzSky Panorama #1 (Spherical).jpg
OzSky Panorama #2 (Rectangular).jpg
OzSky Panorama #2 (Spherical).jpg
OzSky Panorama #3.jpg
OzSky Panorama #4.jpg
Regor, Gamma Velorum (106mm 6D).jpg
Rigil Kentaurus, Alpha Centauri (77m...jpg
Saturn and Mars in Scorpius (135mm 5...jpg
Scorpius Rising at OzSky Star Party.jpg
Scorpius Rising Behind Trees (35mm 6...jpg
Scorpius Rising in Moonlight (35mm 6...jpg
Scorpius Rising with Mars, Saturn &a...jpg
Scorpius with Mars & Saturn (35m...jpg
Sirius, Alpha Canis Majoris (106mm 6...jpg
Smoky Cape Lighthouse at Twilight Pa...jpg